Operations Case Study:
ANZ Learning & Breakout Centre

The ANZ Bank (ANZ) built a state-of-the-art training centre on Collins St, Melbourne having adopted design and architectural inspiration from centres around the world. The build was almost complete, and the centre was due to open in 7 weeks. However, Centre Operations had not been planned.
I was employed by a consulting company to create a project plan to have the centre staffed and operational by the opening date within a specific budget. The plan needed to be robust, cover all operating aspects, and be presented to the client in one week. I presented the plan to the client with two options:
The budget is maintained but the 5 & ½ week deadline is not met
The budget is increase to a specific threshold and we meet the deadline
The client appreciated the honesty and diligence that was provided to them. The meeting lasted 45 minutes and the consulting company was granted the contract based on the revised budget.
I delivered the objective of successfully opening on the Centre on the scheduled opening day within the revised budget. I was thanked with a handshake by the CEO Michael Smith, was appointed Centre Manager and ran the Centre for the first 12 months. ANZ stated this was the best engagement they had had with my consulting company.​​​