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Project Management Case Study #3

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Talent2 was predominantly a recruitment and payroll company with a smaller digital learning division. I was employed as a stop gap to replace the 2nd Project Manager, having had no experience in digital training. Approximately 6 months after I started, I became the sole Project Manager.



I initially accepted the role thinking eLearning modules were slightly more advanced than elaborate PowerPoint slides. I was wrong and needed to upskill rapidly whilst located in Melbourne when the rest of team was in Sydney. 


I then progressed to the position of sole Project Manager and held the position for the next 2 years. I managed managing high end clients such as NAB, CBA, Westpac Bank, Macquarie Bank, Allianz, IAG, BP, Origin Energy, Medibank, GrainCorp, Vodafone, APRA, Department of Immigration, Ministry of Education NZ, and the Department of Defence.


I managed up to 16 projects simultaneously ensuring all my clients had a positive experience with successful outcomes.


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